Most Inappropriate Sports Photos You Must See To Believe
Michelle & Her Balls
Former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, appears like she has a thing for smacking some balls to keep her fitness intact. This picture showing the former first lady playing tennis can give a lot of people a good laugh. We think the best thing to say for now is—caption this, and don’t pull any punches either.
Stand on Head or Water!
Standing on your head doing a headstand is something else, performing it on the surface of the water is another thing. These are tricks of the camera that never fails to amaze us. That’s right she is not actually doing the headstand on water, she was taking a dive when the photographer clicked the photo.

Isn’t that amazing? Both the photographer and the swimmer deserve equal praise for clicking the photo at the opportune moment.
The swimmer’s hard work is evident from her sinewy frame and her athlete’s posture. Swimmers have to train for hours to attain a certain level of physical fitness and also pay particular attention to the diet so that they remain fit and flexible in the years to come.
Celebrity Cheerleaders
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have been known for their superlative performances and gorgeous looks. They were so famous that they had an entirely new reality TV series showcasing their skills in 2006. They went through the entire process of auditioning until they were able to form a squad.

Their amazing performance earned them celebrity status. However, things are not as easy as they seem, after reaching a certain position in their career, they cannot afford to falter.
In fact, they have to work doubly hard to maintain their top position. The same could be said of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, they continued to woe the audience with their scintillating acts. Their agility, pleasing personalities, and gorgeous costumes are certainly worth the praise.
Fly High and Higher Still
There are cheerleaders who aren’t just great cheerleaders but are great players as well. Yes, we so often go by face value and forget the fact that they are capable of so much more than what they portray.

Much like the cheerleader here, who apart from showing her flexibility skills as a cheerleader can do a pretty neat slam dunk herself. Haters may criticize her form and say it isn’t copybook style as a professional player, but who cares as long as she is having fun and the spectators too consider it pretty cool.
Also, in most cases, it is the attitude that matters and she has that all right! Also, one wonders whether professional players can be as flexible as her?
For The Love of America
While all cheerleaders wear a certain type of uniform for their performance in the cheerleading squad, sometimes the squad members like to surprise their spectators. In one such instance, the Minnesota Vikings cheerleaders did just that catching the spectators with their surprise act. They chose to perform in their Halloween costumes.

Pam, one of the members of the cheerleading squad, was the surprise package as she wore the colors of the American flag, such as the red, white, and blue striped Wheres Waldo costume.
The change of costume added that zing thing to their performances. Their change of costume was also much talked about. Of course, their performance remained as good, it’s just the costumed added a different dimension to the performance.
Emoji Party

Synchronized swimming is a very artistic and yet difficult sport, and those who excel in it deserve all the credit that they get. Just look at these girls – all are synchronized up to their facial expression. They look like your group of friends who see you talking to a boy who is totally not good for you.
Smiling Stunning Girls!
The Texas Christian University has onboard some gorgeous girls in their cheerleading team. These stunning girls are aligning perfectly like a flag of blonde brunette and blonde. Also, their enthusiasm seems infectious. They look happy as they pose and preen for the camera.

They look all coordinated thanks to their matching outfits, right from their matching outfits, to tattoos to pom poms. They look so alike that they almost look like sisters.
Such sisterly bonhomie spreads good cheer. We are sure players get all the encouragement they need from the cheerleaders and their performances reach the next level. We love how the blonde and the brunette beauties are coming together to uplift the flagging morale of a team. If the team’s performance starts dipping, they have the cheerleaders to encourage them and pick up their performance.
Happiness After a Big Win
These Oregon cheerleaders are a picture of bonhomie. Their pretty smiles and their infectious energy make for a great photo-op. These girls are always in the best of moods; especially when their team is on the winning side.

Many rankings have placed the cheerleaders in the top slot as the hottest-looking cheerleading squad. The girls are really gorgeous. Add to that their bright and colorful outfits they can give any other cheerleading team a run for their skills.
Cheerleading isn’t an easy job, they have to boost the morale of the players, even when the team is losing, they have to keep their smiles on! So, let’s appreciate their efforts and encourage these girls so that they do even better!
Excited And Happy For The First Game
The cheerleaders in this photo look excited and how. And doesn’t it look like a fun activity? But the girl in the center looks overly excited, maybe because it was her first performance on the team.

Her expression read as one of shocked surprise, almost as if she didn’t believe that she would be part of the team. Those early butterflies in the stomach can actually help some people perform better.
Who knows with time, she can turn out to be one of the best cheerleaders on the team, thanks to her excitement levels and her eagerness to perform the best in the team. It makes for a fun photo though! The girls with her are putting up an invigorating performance too!
Ah-mazing Split!
We get it all cheerleaders are intrinsically flexible. But then not everyone can boast of a similar level of flexibility as the girl in the picture. She is splitting in the air, almost flying in the air. She is almost showing everyone, ‘ look folks I can fly.’

Also, one must appreciate the photographer in this regard. He has clicked at just the right moment before she lands back right on the ground. Kayla Wheatley is known all around the world for her cheerleading skills; she is also one of the most flexible ones in her team. Being a three-time national champion is no mean feat.
She deserves every bit of the praise that comes her way even more! Well, her popularity will be preserved for posterity, thanks to her exceptional skills.
He Comes In Peace

We wonder if Olympic swimmers are aware of the thousands of photographs which are taken of them at the oddest times. This swimmer looks like an alien taking a break from his UFO to do some laps. Got any insights about this photo? We’ll leave it to your imagination and your online photography classes to top that snapshot.
Fingers For Lunch

We guess some athletes get caught up in the frenzy of the game and don’t care if they invade each other’s personal spaces. This guy is either a “hangry” zombie or his opponent just wanted to grab him by the mouth. From the looks of it, these athletes are very lucky that they have a doctor always on standby.
Oh No, He Didn’t!

As much as this guy’s fans are loving the first-hand experience they are getting with their favorite player, this professional basketball player seems like he was caught off-guard and was probably out for some vengeance on whoever pushed him. He should thank these guys for saving him from what could have been an even worse kind of accident.
Talk To The Foot

We’re not certain if this was a photo from a football game or a scene from The Karate Kid. Only the strong and the brave can partake in this sport because athletes really get down and dirty. It looks painful for the guy on the left, but let’s hope his helmet saved him from a stay in the hospital.
Limbo Rock

We can just hope and wish that this is an image of a guy playing Limbo Rock. He seemed like he had one of the worst days of his life because accidents in Track and Field can be so painful. Hopefully, he had a good health insurance that will help him pay for the treatments if ever he obtained any serious injuries.
Circus Freak

At first glance, you might think someone has a foot for a head. Well, look again. Gymnasts deserve so much credit for being able to make their body parts reach places that are normally unreachable. We wonder how many back crunches are included in her workout for her to be that flexible.

If you were the guy in the photo, we’re sure you’d never want to show the picture to your kids or grandkids. Getting hit by a ball directly on your eye is both painful and embarrassing. He must have gone to the nearest hospital to see a doctor after this mishap.
Do It For The Gram

This one if the Instagram. It’s obvious that things didn’t go as planned and he was just seconds away from having a face to face session with the floor. Let’s hope this biking accident of his would make him learn how to be more careful. Is there such a thing as a biker’s insurance? Because he should have one.
The Time Of Her Life

Ho-ho-ho. It looks like Santa’s wife came out to play this Christmas. We wonder if she willingly agreed to this move or was just peer-pressured into it. Hopefully, she didn’t end up in any serious accident and just enjoyed the whole ride. Thank God she had stockings under her skirt because those kids watching wouldn’t want to see a wardrobe malfunction.
Last-Minute Breakdancing

Riding animals can sometimes be fulfilling but it can also get out of hand. This girl probably didn’t expect anything to happen when she first decided to participate in this event. She looks as if she was about to hit a breakdancing pose. Her mom should have her health insurance ready before any of this had happened.
Diving In

Diving into the water from your beach house or yacht is always a good idea, but we don’t think diving into the water from a hurdle isn’t the best of ideas. This man was probably thinking of what was for dinner because he wasn’t able to fully focus on the obstacle in front of him. It’s funny, but it’s still an accident. Ouch!
Talk To The Lacrosse Stick

It appears that women don’t really mind getting down and dirty while playing sports (though we wouldn’t recommend this as your daily exercise). This girl wasn’t thinking that she could probably send her opponent straight to the hospital. At least she made her kiss something that she truly loves.
The Winning Duckface

Admit it – once, you probably took a selfie while making a “duckface.” This guy’s fitness level must be really high for him to be involved in such a powerful sport. You can just see in his face how intensely he has got his head in the game. Definitely, this is an “Instagram-worthy” duckface shot.
Smile For The Selfie

Animal photography can get rather complicated at times because not all creatures will be tamed enough to pose for the camera. Lucky for these guys, this camel that they went up to probably had something good for lunch so he was in a good enough mood to smile for the camera with them.
Collision Equates Success?
Would you believe it when we say that a collision with a player led to the stupendously successful Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Melissa Kellerman? However, the look of complete shock and surprise has a completely different story to tell.

It is actually pretty awkward come to think of it and that bump also had her soaring the popularity charts. It was a game against the Miami Dolphins where Jason Witten veered off the pitch and had a collision with Kellerman. The only good point is that they got out of it unscathed, without any injuries.
However, that awkward photo will remain for posterity; the only saving grace of Melissa’s career was none the worse for it, ditto with Jason Witten. They just need to shield their face every time they see the photo or maybe have a good laugh over it.
When Intense Got Funny
Professional Olympic divers do not bother about how they look or the expression on their faces when they dive; the only thing that plays on their mind is how to win that medal! Their minds at that time are screaming go for the gold! We are sure the Chinese athlete Qin Kai echoes similar thoughts, at least his expression says as much.

A competitive sportsperson gives his/her everything when they play. They play with such intensity that sometimes their expression comes across as funny. Like in the case of Qin Kai.
We think even he will have a good laugh over this perfectly captured picture. But that drop looks pretty intense, we completely understand the sportsperson psyche and how they want to give their everything in order to win the highest medal.
Swim Like a Mermaid
Is that a human mermaid? No, it is just a cleverly-timed image! One look at that will make you think that the woman in the picture has an unnaturally extended body; a closer look will however reveal the true picture. That was actually another swimmer who is right behind the other swimmer. The makeup actually makes the swimmer look more like a mermaid than ever.

Synchronized swimmers are amazing performers; their skills will keep you riveted to their antics as they move in and out of the water, much like a mermaid would do.
So, if you are squinting your eyes, to find out whether you have just spotted a mythical creature, you need to relax! Because they are no one but skilled swimmers doing their best at what they do.